"Keeping children safe from harm is our utmost priority and the pinnacle of our work"
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding children means protecting children from all forms of harm and abuse, such as physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect. It also means helping children to grow up to be confident, healthy and happy adults.
The staff at Highfield Nursery School take part in Safeguarding and Prevent training every year (once every 12 months) so that they are always updated with the latest legislation surrounding Safeguarding and Child Protection. To view any of our safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures please go to our policies page.
What is a DSL?
A DSL (designated safeguarding lead) is the person appointed to take lead responsibility for child protection issues in school. The person fulfilling this role must be a senior member of the school's leadership team, and the DSL role must be set out in the post holder's job description.
Our DSL's at Highfield Nursery School are:
Susan Conron
Executive Headteacher
Duke Street Nursery School and Highfield Nursery School
Natalie Sinclair
Senior Teacher, Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator
Head Of School
Michelle Catterall - Lead DSL
Family Support Worker
Duke Street Nursery School and Highfield Nursery School
It is also the responsibility of the DSL to share up to date policies and procedures with staff during staff meetings which are held fortnightly, this includes 7 Minute Briefings etc. It is also the DSL's responsibility to ensure that everyone is aware and follows any changes to KCSIE (Keeping children safe in Education Document) which is also updated yearly.
What is a Family Support Worker?
A family support worker is someone who helps families in need of practical or emotional support, particularly when difficulties arise around parenting and the wellbeing of children.
Our Family Support Worker is Michelle Catterall. Michelle works across both Duke Street Nursery School and Highfield Nursery School, supporting our families through the early stages of support and beyond. This can include anything from general information around signing up for a dentist and general oral hygiene, the organising of food parcels and as far as working alongside outside agencies.
Email Address:
Contact Number: 07763318548
What is Safer Recruitment?
Safer recruitment means ensuring that the staff and volunteers who are hired to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults have been suitably checked to prevent any harm being done to the people in their care.
Some staff and governors are trained in Safer Recruitment and we always have at least one member of the interview panel who is up to date with Safer Recruitment Training. We follow good practice guidance when recruiting all our staff regardless of grade of position.
This includes: Identity checks, enhanced DBS clearances, checking references from previous employment and any gaps in employment.
Operation Encompass
Support and Information
We have a duty to protect children and young people from harm caused by neglect or abuse. This includes investigating any allegations that a child might be being neglected or abused, and if necessary take appropriate action to protect the child.
Concerned about a child - Call 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722. If you think a child is in immediate danger – don't delay call the police on 999.
Concerned about an adult that works with children - If there are immediate safeguarding concerns to the child call 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722. If there are no immediate safeguarding concerns to the child inform senior management at the organisation where this person works. Senior managers must contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) when they receive an allegation or concern about a person who works with children.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is located in the policy tab
NSPCC - National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (UK) -
The Family Safeguarding page on the LCC website has lots of useful information about the Safeguarding measures they have in place not just for children but for their families as well. Please visit
CFWS - Children and Family Wellbeing Service offers a wide range of support to families in the form of groups, courses etc Please visit
Duke Street Neighbourhood Centre - 01257 516316
Highfield Neighbourhood Centre - 01257 516466
Health Visiting Team - 0300 247 0040