The first five years of your child's life is such a valuable and important time for brain development and the future development of your child.
This is a very exciting time for you and your child as they begin to learn and make sense of the world around them. During this time your child needs lots of experiences which are fun, happy, active and challenging. At Highfield Nursery Nursery School we have a very strong emphasis on kindling a lifelong love of learning. We teach our children the words ‘determined’, ‘resilient’ and ‘independent’ as we encourage them to take risks and follow their own creative minds.
All nurseries, pre-schools, reception classes and childminders who are registered to deliver the EYFS must follow a legal document called the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. This supports all professionals and ensures that your child receives a high quality early education.
At Highfield Nursery Nursery School we encourage the children to ‘learn through play’ as they explore our beautiful and natural learning environment. Family workers follow the interests of your child to ensure a personalised approach which motivates and captures their attention. Since September 2016, we have developed our ‘in the moment’ planning approach, where our skillful and experienced practitioner’s follow your child’s lead and interact with them as they play, constantly ‘teaching’ them and further developing their ideas.
An introduction to our unique and aspirational curriculum…
At Highfield Nursery and Duke Street Nursery School we respect and nurture a child’s natural curiosity to learn and explore. We support a child’s own intrinsic desire to find out about the world around them, supporting them to be effective and enthusiastic learners for life.
It is our belief that children flourish in their learning when they have strong inner characteristics. Our curriculum places the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ at the heart of its delivery.
We aspire our children to leave us as :
Highly motivated and curious learners who are internally driven to learn and constantly seek to know more. We support ‘thinkers’ and ‘doers’. Children who are keen to explore and are curious to ask questions and follow their own individual ideas and fascinations.
Confident communicators who know that their ideas matter and are able to communicate effectively in their own way making a positive contribution to society.
Secure and loved individuals who are able to develop strong attachments with others, creating positive relationships which are respectful and long lasting.
Children who are secure in their own skin as they understand and respect their emotional needs and are able to regulate themselves effectively through a range of different strategies.
Resilient learners who understand that life is hard, but are able to embrace challenges and overcome them with perseverance and a bounce back ability.
Individuals who adore reading and seek this out, soaking up the power of a story or using a non fiction text to find out fascinating facts.
Lifelong learners with an inner drive to achieve their very best and the belief that they can do anything if they put their mind to it.
Masters of mathematics who see the fun in maths and are able to see the purpose which it brings to every day life.
We base our curriculum around two documents, please click the relevant links below for more information about each document.